Google Sites

As of May 15, 2023, the ability to create new Google Sites will no longer be available.  Existing Google Sites will continue to be editable until June 2024. The Google Sites service will be decommissioned as of December 2024.

New university-related sites and course-related sites should be created in the appropriate university systems.  Personal sites should be created in non-university hosted platforms.

Existing Google Site owners should begin exploring and moving their sites to other university supported hosting platforms such as Canvas for course-related sites and T4 for university-related sites.  Personal sites should be moved to a non-university hosted platform. Visit our Web Services page for some great recommendations on tools for personal sites.

Web Standards & Guidelines

Web Publishing


The standards apply to all websites on all VCU web servers and other domains that include VCU branding into their site. Sites created in the VCU Google domain contain / and must adhere to VCU standards and guidelines.