

ImageNow (also known as Perceptive Content by Hyland Software) is a secure, user-friendly document imaging and workflow management tool that allows you to easily capture, organize and manage documents. ImageNow allows you to scan paper, import digital-born records, index, annotate, retrieve, print, export, email, share and run custom reports on electronic documents.  ImageNow on the VCU campus is for departmental use only and is approved to store sensitive data (category I) excluding credit card numbers and VCUHS patient records.  

ImageNow changes the way paper and digital-born documents are handled, alleviating the time-consuming inefficiencies of manually printing, filing and retrieving documents thus enhancing service and productivity. ImageNow allows indexed documents to be retrieved simultaneously, reviewed, digitally annotated and processed in workflow by department approved users on the VCU campus or off campus when using the VCU VPNNOTE: If Zscaler has been rolled out to your VCU-managed computer, then you only need to sign into Zscaler, not to the VPN.

ImageNow is used on the Monroe Park, MCV and Qatar campuses to manage administrative records and grant other departments direct read-only access or workflow approval permission.

ImageNow eliminates the cost and space issues associated with maintaining a paper-based process. For VCU departments, there are no implementation or support costs, no storage fees and no charges based on the number of system user accounts.  Departments are responsible for the cost of scanner hardware, replacement parts and related licensing if needed.

If you would like additional information about using ImageNow in your department or acquiring hardware and its licensing, please contact the VCU IT Support Center at (804) 828-2227 or submit an IT service request.

NOTE: VCUHS ImageNow supports Health System related records. Please contact (804) 828-6447 for Health System assistance.