Guide to User Roles and Accounts
Your official email address at VCU is your Different roles at VCU get different email accounts. If you have more than one role at VCU, it is possible that you could have more than one account. This guide explains where your email will be routed depending on your role(s) at VCU.
Affiliate Google Workspace for Education accounts are enabled by request of the affiliate's department. Affiliate Google Workspace accounts are not automatically provided. Once enabled, these accounts follow the same guidelines as faculty/staff accounts.
Beginning in 2021, Alum email addressed to will arrive in the Google Workspace account. This email redirection begins when the graduated student has passed the re-enroll period (three semesters) and maintains no active employee or student status. If any employment status is active at either VCU or VCU Health, email redirection for the address is to the active employee account. If an alum becomes an active student again, email delivery will change to the account. Email specifically addressed to the address will arrive in the alum account.
Faculty/Staff have Google Workspace for Education accounts in the domain. All email sent to your will be routed to your faculty/staff account. Access to this account will be removed when your employment ends. Faculty may request Emeritus or Retiree status from your HR personnel to keep this account active.
School of Medicine Faculty/Staff have a VCU Google Drive only account for collaboration with other Google Workspace for Education users. VCU Health System (VCUHS) manages email (Office365) for the School of Medicine. Your forwards to your VCUHS ( address.
Employees of VCU Health have an official address. When employed by VCU Health only, email addressed to the address is delivered to the address. VCU students also employed by VCU Health will have their email delivered to their student Google Workspace for Education account and their email addressed to their address delivered to their Office365 account.